
Week 8 & 1/2 * Thing 15

Well, pleased as I am to finally get a look at this Technorati, I don't think I'll be bookmarking it right off the bat, on account of the following --
  • I couldn't find ANY posts on Norwegian Red cattle. Well, in English anyway.
  • I spent too much time trying to find the "tutorials" in About.com, not realizing that they were those puny tidbits of actual information cleverly wedged into the spaces between the ads. This is not, of course Technorati's fault in any way, but it meant I started out grumpy.
  • I couldn't find any way to dig out Robin McKinley's blog, to which I am currently addicted, despite having a wide choice of fairly unusual words and phrases to use as search terms -- one would think that "hellhounds" coupled with "chocolate" would do it, wouldn't one?
On the other hand, watching the cloud tag undulate, and thinking about what that signifies could easily drive one to recreational substance abuse of the benign, philosophical variety.

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